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Martina's StoryForensics and Overcoming Trauma
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I am really, really passionate about forensic science. I cannot wait to be a forensic in the field working in special victims or narcotics. Personally, I think it is so amazing how the smallest detail can connect someone to a crime and science is such an important part in conviction or in proving innocence as well, right. The reason I am so passionate about it, and this is where it gets a little personal, is because, well, in the beginning of October, of grade nine, I was sexually assaulted and it has impacted me in many, many, many, ways. Including like, you know, substance abuse problems, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia. I had a huge love for science, biology specifically, and I also love law and that combination plus my own experience just makes me wanna use my love for science to put these f***ers in jail because they're ruining women's lives and men's lives. 

 Reese's Story 

I grew up in a very small, rural town in Tennessee. Being located where I was, I was usually alone as a kid. I did have a very close friend/cousin up the street, but besides that... there wasn't anyone. So, I spent a lot of time by myself. I took an interest in reading at a very early age. I would read all day, as much as I could. Back then, I never thought I would be a writer. I had a much more "in your face" passion as a kid and early teen, acting.


This started from the various TV shows and movies I would watch daily, as well as the books. I wanted to escape from my life and live in these character's shoes. I wanted to experience life on a set and meet other people with the same interest. So... I tried. Keep in mind, I was still very young. Too young to be 100% sure that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It's a huge investment. But, at the time I wanted nothing more. My parents didn't take me seriously, so often I took matters into my own hands.


I searched endlessly for local auditions. I participated in school and church plays whenever I could. I got my face and name out there. I got in contact with talent agencies, I reached out to actors on every social media platform, I emailed theater teachers from multiple local schools. I wanted that more than anything. Eventually this led to me finding backstage and other ways to submit video auditions. Since Tennessee isn't the ideal place for actors, not too many local auditions took place. If any did, it would be in large cities, such as Nashville (Located 3 hours away from me). Through video auditions, I was offered a role, but once again... I was a kid.


This was too much of a money and time investment for me and my parents. Also, around this time, I lost a very close friend of mine. So, I had to pass that up. I took a long hiatus from acting. During that time though, I was struggling with the loss of my friend. I was struggling with the fact that I'm growing up, and things are going to change. I learned that life isn't a fairy tale, and that you will love and lose. So, I wrote my emotions down. It started as little sentences, then into paragraphs. It continued to full blown poetry that others also found relatable. The pain of loss helped me find a new talent, writing. Once again, the sense of wanting to escape reality overcame me. But this time, I didn't want to play the characters... I wanted to create them. Fast forward to now, and I’ve written over 100 poems, 50 Creepypastas/Short stories, multiple Short Films, a Feature Film for a producer, and I’m now working on my own Script for a TV Series as well as an accompanying Novel. I am studying Screenwriting and Film in College!

© Created by Brielle Robillard

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